Innovative Energy Systems - First edition

Elements of thermodynamics of the machines - Primary sources of energy availability and energy requirements , distribution and use of energy - wind power plants - Use the energy of ocean currents - Solar heating Geothermal power - Nuclear power plants - Fuel Cells - Aircraft propulsion .


This first edition of the book developed over two years of research in the field of energy systems , has as its objective to provide students with criteria and methods for the study of innovative systems for the conversion of energy into work . At the end of the course students will have an updated picture of the innovative system solutions for the production of mechanical and electrical energy . She will also evaluate the performance of such systems in terms of efficiency and power output. To tackle the course the student should have a good knowledge of the following subjects: Physics I and II industrial engineering , fluid machines .

Topics Covered:

- Elements of thermodynamics the machines' energy and work , conversions and transformations of energy.
- Primary sources of energy availability and energy requirements , distribution and use of energy.
- Wind power plants : the use of wind energy , types of aero.
- Use the energy of sea currents : Kobold turbine.
- Use of solar energy : solar heating systems, types and system diagrams.
- Geothermal systems : classification of geothermal systems and system diagrams.
- Nuclear power plants : principles of operation and types of nuclear power plants.
- Fuel cells: operating principles , types, performance and applications.
- Aeronautical Propulsion : engine types , the dynamics of the air propulsion , analysis of the main components of aircraft engines.


Author: Valeriano Bonuglia
Publisher: C.E.
language: Italian
Pages: 250
Price: 32,73 $
